Thursday 4 September 2008

Watch Oasis, Arctic Monkeys, Glastonbury in this week's video news

This week's NME Music News is available to watch now on NME.COM (scroll down for the video).

Today's (August 29) roundup takes us through this week's top news stories, the jump of Oasis' world duty tour, and inside information of how to have tickets for next year's Glastonbury.

Arctic Monkeys and Queens Of The Stone Age talk around collaborating, spell Frank Black is talking up the chance of a new Pixies album.

The NME Music News picture is available online every Friday.

More info

Monday 25 August 2008

Kucinich Introduces Legislation That Seeks To Lower Prescription Drug Costs By Replacing Medicare Part D

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) recently introduced a broadsheet (HR 6800) that would replace the Medicare prescription medicine drug benefit with a new platform in an effort to reduce costs, CQ HealthBeat reports. The legislation would require Medicare to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies for discounts on ethical drug drugs and eliminate copayments, premiums and deductibles for medications for beneficiaries. In addition, the bill would limit the price of prescription drugs developed through publically funded research and allow the purchase of medications from an sanctioned list of foreign nations.

Kucinich in a statement said, "The privatized drug plan has been minded a probability and, as predicted, it has failed," adding, "There is no reason for us to keep throwing money at a bad idea when we know we lavatory save taxpayers billions of dollars and give seniors the medication they need."

According to a statement from America's Health Insurance Plans, a Harris Interactive on-line poll released in December 2007 plant that 87% of Medicare beneficiaries were satisfied with their prescription drug plans and that 75% worn-out less on medications than they did before enrollment. AHIP representative Robert Zirkelbach said, "The Part D program has proven to help seniors get access to the prescription drugs they need while holding down costs for beneficiaries and taxpayers" (Parnass, CQ HealthBeat, 8/7).

Reprinted with kind permission from You tail end view the entire Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, search the archives, or sign up for email delivery at http://www.kaisernetwork.

Friday 15 August 2008

Download Kim Wilson

Kim Wilson

Artist: Kim Wilson: mp3 download





Lookin For Trouble

 Lookin For Trouble

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 15
Smokin' joint

 Smokin' joint

   Year: 2001   

Tracks: 13
My Blues

 My Blues

   Year: 1997   

Tracks: 15

Harmonica thespian, songwriter and singer Kim Wilson is as a lot a student and historian of classic blues as he is i of the U.S.'s elevation harmonica players. Simply put, Wilson has taste; when he enters the recording studio apartment, he has a clear vision of what he wants his following phonograph recording to intelligent care. Aside from all this, he's also an extremely difficult worker and a major route hogg, disbursal upward of cc nights a U.S., Canada and Europe with his have Kim Wilson stria and leading the Fabulous Thunderbirds.

Although he's long been known as the magnetic frontman for the Fabulous Thunderbirds, Wilson's solo albums -- which feature bands of his have choosing for different tracks -- is where the mastermind in his function shows through and through most clearly. Born January 6, 1951 in Detroit, Wilson grew up in California. His parents were singers wHO would whistle pop standards on the wireless, and spell Wilson took trombone and guitar lessons, he didn't find blues until he was a senior in high school. Wilson's father-God afterwards worked for General Motors and raised his family in Goleta, California, he recalled in a 1994 question in his adopted hometown of Austin.

"We weren't robust, merely we were o.K.," he recalled. Wilson dropped kO'd of college and began playing blues wide-cut time in 1970. Wilson had a rented way and lived the hipster existence, getting his harp chops together by playing with travelling blues musicians like Eddie Taylor. Even though Wilson had only switched to harp in his elderly yr in high school, his advance on the instrument was rapid and every mo as all-consuming as his blues record-buying habit. Charlie Musselwhite, John Lee Hooker and Sonny Rhodes were among the other Bay Area musicians Wilson befriended and worked with in clubs. But Wilson didn't meet his biggest mentor until after he affected to Austin in the mid-'70s.

"Muddy Waters was my biggest wise man. He really made my report for me, and that was a wild time of my life, existence associated with that humankind," he recalled of his early years with the Fabulous Thunderbirds in Austin. There, at the Antone's megrims cabaret, Wilson and his Thunderbirds would back up whoever came into town, and it didn't consume long for the band to recognize they had Waters' benediction.

As a ballad maker, Wilson takes his clew from the long-forgotten name calling like Tampa Red, Roosevelt Sykes and Lonnie Johnson. His 1993 solo album, Tigerman, for the Austin-based Antone's label, features merely three of his possess tunes. Being the student of the blues that he is, Wilson was clearly hesitant to track record overly many of his own tunes when he'd already had a vision in his head of how he was leaving to make over classics wish Joe Hill Louis's "Panthera tigris Man," the album's title rails. He followed up his debut with the every bit brilliant That's Life (1994), also for Antone's, and over again this recording contains just tierce self-penned songs.

Wilson's life history took a supercharge in the '90s with a major-label deal with Private Music/BMG for the Fabulous Thunderbirds and haunt concert appearances with Bonnie Raitt. Wilson's solo albums are solid productions, extremely recommended for harp students and fans of classic Texas megrims and rhythm & blues.

News in the pharmaceutical industry

Thursday 7 August 2008

No Joke -- Bernie Mac Hospitalized for Pneumonia

Bernie  MacThere's nothing funny about this -- Bernie Mac has been placed in a Chicago hospital with a case of Pneumonia. The comedian is said to be responding well to treatment and should be released from the hospital in the next few days.

Mac suffers from sarcoidosis, a chronic disease that inflames organs -- so far it appears the Pneumonia is not related to that illness.

More info

Friday 27 June 2008

Gary Glitter planning musical comeback

Jailed singer Gary Glitter is said to be planning a return to the music business after he gets out of jail.

The glam rock star, who is set to be released from his Vietnamese jail cell in August, was convicted in March 2006 of molesting two young girls.

But now Glitter has allegedly had his three-year jail term cut by three months, and he's ready to record a new album when he gets out.

According to Sky News Glitter said: "I have an incomplete album that I want to finish. I have been thinking about the plan during my days in jail."

Glitter also revealed he probably won't stay in Vietnam after he serves his sentence and is looking for a residence elsewhere - although not the UK, as he will be on the country's sex offender register here, after his 1999 conviction and jailing for downloading child pornography.

"I am trying to contact my lawyer and friends to see where the best place to live is," he said.

Sunday 22 June 2008

Manuel De Falla Paco De Lucia Ramon De Algeciras

Manuel De Falla Paco De Lucia Ramon De Algeciras   
Artist: Manuel De Falla Paco De Lucia Ramon De Algeciras

Folk: Spanish


Paco De Lucia Interpreta A Manuel De Falla   
 Paco De Lucia Interpreta A Manuel De Falla

   Year: 1978   
Tracks: 10


Sunday 15 June 2008

Sugababes - Berrabah Wants Radical Boob Jab

SUGABABES star AMELLE BERRABAH is so desperate to be more voluptuous - she's considering having collagen injected into her cleavage.

The British beauty is self-conscious about being flat-chested and she is keen to try out the radical treatment - if it guarantees she'll have bigger boobs.

She says, "I've read about this surgery-free boob enhancer. And I'm really flat-chested so I would definitely consider it."

See Also

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Alexis Petridis on Shakin' Stevens

The news that Shakin' Stevens will be performing at this year's Glastonbury festival has not met with unmingled delight. Chief among the naysayers was the Sun's Bizarre columnist, Gordon Smart, who took time out from predicting "the Fratellis' new album will soon be hailed as a modern British rock classic" to lambast "the worst Glastonbury lineup ever" and lay the blame squarely at Shaky's green door. Smart's message is clear: the appearance of Shakin' Stevens on the bill offers irrevocable proof that Glastonbury has sold out.

But, as Paul Barrett and Hilary Hayward's indispensable 1983 biography Shakin' Stevens makes clear, mock Shaky's leftfield credentials at your peril. It is a remarkable book, not least because it seems to adopt the unique premise that Stevens is the most important figure in the history of British music. The authors (Barrett was Stevens' manager before the hits started happening) pour scorn on lesser talents, including the Beatles and Pink Floyd. At one amazing juncture, the oeuvre of Can is compared to that of the Welsh Elvis and judged hopelessly inferior. At another, they seem to suggest that Stevens invented punk rock.

More importantly, however, it lays bare Shaky's remarkable pre-fame history, a startling ferment of revolutionary socialism, grinding penury (at one stage, funds are so short that Stevens and his backing band are forced to transport their equipment between gigs in a wheelbarrow), an attitude to live performance that would give Iggy Pop pause, and some deeply unlikely cameo appearances. Who knew, as they witnessed the top-selling male UK singles artist of the 1980s shaking hands with a man in an enormous snowman outfit in the Merry Christmas Everyone video, that they were watching a man once feted by John Peel, who even attempted to sign him to his Dandelion label? Who knew that the Rolling Stones, perhaps still befuddled by the recent events at Altamont, booked him to play at their 1969 Christmas party? When not singing his heart out for the edification of Keith Richards, the pre-fame Shaky is to be found playing benefit gigs for the Communist party of Great Britain, organised by Barrett, who "was and still is a card-carrying communist", even encouraging Shaky and band to work up a rockabilly version of The Red Flag.

Lesser men might question the wisdom of employing someone dedicated to the overthrow of capitalism to handle your business affairs, but Shaky is of fearless cast, as demonstrated by his auto-destructive stage act - he tears down stage curtains in Cardiff, kicks drinks into punters' laps in Walsall, sets an audience member's hair on fire in London, and, at perhaps his most triumphant moment, climbs on a diner's table during a corporate Christmas party gig, puts his foot in a bowl of salad and shouts, "Scream, damn you! You would scream for Tom Jones, so you can scream for me!" Suddenly, the stuff about him inventing punk seems marginally less insane.

Certainly, Shaky's attitude towards every rock star who isn't Shakin' Stevens is rich with a withering contempt worthy of Johnny Rotten. His live shows begin with a skit mocking the pipsqueak talents of Jimi Hendrix: what price expanding the vocabulary of the rock guitar in a way unseen before or since when compared to a man from Penarth singing Yakety Yak? Barrett joined in on Stevens' behalf too. When John Lennon performed Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On at a 1969 Toronto festival, he penned a sarcastic open letter to the press arguing that "John Lennon had never before expressed a love for this music" - his years spent playing Chuck Berry and Carl Perkins covers in the hopelessly obscure quartet the Beatles having passed Shaky and chums by.

You read the book in slack-jawed disbelief, but it certainly casts his appearance at Glastonbury in an intriguing light. Silence the sniggers. Enough with the ironic "appreciation". No more mockery on the Sun's Bizarre page. Instead, let us hail the real Shaky: Lennon-besting, audience-terrifying hero of British communism; a singer cheered by the Stones and the late John Peel; scientifically proven to be better than Can. Shakin' Stevens: the most radical performer you'll see at this year's Glastonbury.

· You can read Shakin' Stevens by Paul Barrett and Hilary Hayward online at

See Also

Wednesday 28 May 2008

Chinmaya Dunster and Niladri Kumar

Chinmaya Dunster and Niladri Kumar   
Artist: Chinmaya Dunster and Niladri Kumar

New Age


Yoga Lounge   
 Yoga Lounge

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 8


Monday 26 May 2008

Timberlake agrees new film deal

Justin Timberlake is to star opposite Jeff Bridges and Mary Steenburgen in a new drama called 'The Open Road'.
Variety reports that the film tells the story of a young man trying to repair his relationship with his legendary athlete father as he tries to make his way home to see his seriously ill mother.
The Michael Meredith-directed and written film is due to begin shooting in Louisiana and other southern US states this month.

Imogen Heap

Imogen Heap   
Artist: Imogen Heap

Pop: Pop-Rock


I Megaphone   
 I Megaphone

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 11

As a pattern, radical efforts are something that issue forth earlier a solo career--not afterward a solo vocation is in full swing out. First, the artist makes a name for himself/herself as theatrical role of a grouping, then the creative person leaves the chemical group to become a full-time solo artist. That's usually how it deeds, just with Imogen Heap, it was the other way around; the British singer/songwriter (world Health Organization is as well a classically trained piano player) had been an naturalized solo artist for a few years when she became half of the London-based distich Frou Frou. Although Heap right away lives in London, she isn't a native of England's largest city. Born in the late ‘70s, Heap lived in Essex, England as a pre-teen--and it was in Essex that she kickoff studied European classical piano. Heap didn't genuinely get into rock until she went cancelled to boarding school day as a teen; finally, she decided against existence a full-time classical instrumentalist and realized that substitute pop-rock, Euro-pop and electronica would her main focus. In 1997--when Heap was in her late teens--she signed with Almo Sounds as a solo creative person. I Megaphone, Heap's debut record album, was released by Almo in 1998; the album's influences ranged from Kate Bush (a sponsor comparability) to Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics to former Sugarcubes vocalizer Björk. Some reviewers have compared Heap to PJ Harvey, although Heap has denied that Harvey is an influence. I Megaphone ground Heap functional with trio different producers: David Kahne, Dave Stewart (of Eurythmics celebrity) and Guy Sigsworth (world Health Organization has worked with major artists like Madonna, Björk and Seal). After I Megaphone, Heap and Sigsworth unbroken in touch--and in the early 2000s, they were reunited as the duet Frou Frou. Hearing the nominate Frou Frou, one might anticipate something bubble gum; one power expect some playfulness, frivolous Euro-pop along the lines of ABBA, Bananarama Fun Fun, Jemma & Elise or Aqua. But there is cypher gurgle glue around Frou Frou, whose alternative pop-rock tends to be atmospherical, woolgathering and gossamer. Frou Frou's work is very European-sounding, although not in a cutesy, eruct gum way. As Frou Frou, Heap and Sigsworth signed with MCA/Universal in 2001, which didn't beggarly that Heap was giving up her solo vocation -- Frou Frou was meant to be a part-time project. Details, the British duo's kickoff record album, was released in England and the United States in 2002. "Intimation In" was released as the album's kickoff single. In 2005, Heap resumed her solo career with the release of Speak for Yourself.

Paul Woolford Bobby Peru

Paul Woolford Bobby Peru   
Artist: Paul Woolford Bobby Peru



The Truth   
 The Truth

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 2


Dream Evil

Dream Evil   
Artist: Dream Evil

Metal: Heavy


The Book Of Heavy Metal   
 The Book Of Heavy Metal

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12


   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 12

Children Of The Night   
 Children Of The Night

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 4

Dragon Slayer   
 Dragon Slayer

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

Dream Evil is the pet project of manufacturer Fredrik Nordstrom and guitar player Gus G., both of whom mat they could easily become a unattackable force play in the metal tube if they teamed up. Forming a mightiness metal quartette with drummer Snowy Shaw and vocaliser Niklas Isfeldt, the band recorded Dragon Slayer and released it in the summertime of 2002. In 2003, the humourous Evilized put a new whirl on their well-grounded, offering several self-consciously punch-drunk lyrics that go well into their improved glide slope.


Spears' manager is ordered to stay away

Britney Spears' self-styled manager Sam Lutfi has been served with a restraining order, which instructs him to stay at least 250 yards away from the star.
Courts documents say that Lutfi is also barred from communicating with Spears.
Reuters reports that lawyers for the singer's father, Jamie Spears, who has been granted temporary control of his daughter's business and personal affairs, filed court documents saying Lutfi was served with the order at his home on Thursday morning.
In court papers requesting the restraining order three weeks ago, Spears' mother Lynne claimed that Lutfi had drugged her daughter, cut her home phone line and was attempting to control her life.
Lynne Spears said that Lutfi told her and a friend that he gave Britney Spears pills ground up in her food to keep her quiet and at one point he told Britney she had to take 10 pills a day if she wanted to see her two young children.
Spears recently had her visitation rights for her two young sons stripped by a court after refusing to return them to their father Kevin Federline, who currently has custody of the children.


Artist: Afterlife

New Age


The Afterlife Lounge   
 The Afterlife Lounge

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 13

Speck Of Gold (CD2)   
 Speck Of Gold (CD2)

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 5

Speck Of Gold (CD 2)   
 Speck Of Gold (CD 2)

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 5

Speck Of Gold (CD 1)   
 Speck Of Gold (CD 1)

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

Speck Of Gold   
 Speck Of Gold

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

Simplicity Two Thousand CD 2   
 Simplicity Two Thousand CD 2

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 10

Simplicity Two Thousand CD 1   
 Simplicity Two Thousand CD 1

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 12

Simplicity Two Thousand - Disc 2   
 Simplicity Two Thousand - Disc 2

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 10

Simplicity Two Thousand - Disc 1   
 Simplicity Two Thousand - Disc 1

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 12


Gabriella Cilmi topples Madonna

Pete kills himself off in new video

COULD a 29-day sentence really have sorted out PETE DOHERTY's head?

The BABYSHAMBLES frontman appears to have ditched the attitude and the
drugs in favour of releasing a new single just 48 hours after leaving jail.

Shaggy-haired Pete also made a music video for the tune, in which he stars
alongside supermodel model and ex-fiance IRINA LAZAREANU.

The song Maybelline shows the pair acting out a murder mystery, with Pete's
character being killed off.
To see Pete in action, watch the video velow:

Perhaps he's doing an AMY or a GERI? Ms Wino killed
off her alter ego in the Back to Black vid, while Ginger put her former self
to rest in Look At Me.
Irina met the ex-Libertines singer when she was just 15 and was his muse for
some time before dating him.

The new track is expected to be on the band's new album which they are
currently working on.