Friday 27 June 2008

Gary Glitter planning musical comeback

Jailed singer Gary Glitter is said to be planning a return to the music business after he gets out of jail.

The glam rock star, who is set to be released from his Vietnamese jail cell in August, was convicted in March 2006 of molesting two young girls.

But now Glitter has allegedly had his three-year jail term cut by three months, and he's ready to record a new album when he gets out.

According to Sky News Glitter said: "I have an incomplete album that I want to finish. I have been thinking about the plan during my days in jail."

Glitter also revealed he probably won't stay in Vietnam after he serves his sentence and is looking for a residence elsewhere - although not the UK, as he will be on the country's sex offender register here, after his 1999 conviction and jailing for downloading child pornography.

"I am trying to contact my lawyer and friends to see where the best place to live is," he said.